Balram Fertilizer

1,650.00 - 1,750.00 / 5-KG,FROM GEL
Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier, Importer
Country of Origin India
Type India
Application India
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Location India ( Gujarat)

Product Details

vAdvantges of  Aqua speed+


·         EFFECTIVENESS OF AQUA SPEED +  give more and uniform Nutrients to all crop which results healthy growth of crops and plant can sustain and grow in stress  condition.

·        Aqua speed+ have highly oxygenized  organic factor.

·        AQUA SPEED+ are Concentratad fartilizers and unique combination of Liquid and POWDER fartilizers with more nutrients  Macro and micro elements.Which makes AQUASPEED+ more effective with lower dosage application.

·        Aqua speed+ gives more nutrient use Effciency(NUE),improved Abiotic Stress Tolerance and grater crop Quality

·        Aqua speed+ Improves vegetative  growth and gives hige quality buds and fruits

·        Aqua speed +are produced from finest quality raw materials and free from chloride ,sodium and heavy metal.

·        Smooth i=lrrigation: Aqua speed+is 100% soluble in water with low ph which helps lrrigation cleaning during application and make more efficient application  of fertilizers.

·        Eco friendly fertilizers: Aqua speed+ are user and nature friendly  fertilizers and no casuses any harm to environment.




vTotale nitrogen(N)                                                              25%

vNITRIC NITROGEN (NO3)                                                    6%

vURIC NITOGEN (NH2)                                                          11%

vAMMONIACAL NITROGEN(NH3)                                           5%

vORGANIC AMINO NITROGEN                                               3%

vWATER SOLUBLE PHOSPHOROUS(P2OS)                            25%

vACTIVE PHOSPHOROUS(PXOX+)                                         5%

vWATER SOLUBLE POTASSIUM (K 2O )                                25%

vMgO                                                                                      0.5%


vMARCONUTRIENTS (PPM)                                                     - 300ppm

vMANGANESE(Mn)                                                                    -500ppm

vIron( fe )                                                                                     -2000ppm

vFulvic acid                                                                                  -4000ppm

vZinc (Zn)                                                                                     -700ppm

vBoron (b)                                                                                   -700ppm

vMolybdenum (mo)                                                                 -50ppm

vCopper (cu)                                                                              -250ppm


ØRecommendation for uses:

1.     Foliar application


·        Field crops                                             -5-10kg dilute in 1000lts.of fresh water


·        Open fiend vegetable                         -5-10kg 4-6 times during the seson


·        Fruit trees                                             -10-20kg  spray at 10-15 days interval



2.Green house


·        Field crops                                            1-2kg /100lts of water

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